At Seek & Smile Dentistry, our team enjoys providing patients with the best of both worlds – a home-like office space where you feel like family and truly modern care that elevates the quality of your experience. By using advanced technology, we can improve the speed of your treatment, the comfort, the accuracy, and so much more. Contact our Conyers location today to schedule your first appointment with us!

Intraoral Camera

If you’ve ever wondered just what your dentist is seeing as they peer into your mouth, our intraoral camera can help! The process is simple – our team will insert a camera-tipped wand gently into the mouth, and high-resolution images will start being transferred right away to our computer system and a monitor in the treatment room. Not only is this visual aid helpful for Dr. Seekand and Dr. Peters for diagnosis, but it also makes a great educational tool.

Digital X-Rays

Traditionally, X-rays were captured on film, developed slowly in a darkroom, and stored in bulky filing cabinets. At Seek & Smile Dentistry, we’re proud to have transformed this essential process for the better with state-of-the-art digital radiography. Now, highly detailed images can be captured and transferred to our computer system in a matter of seconds; our team members are even able to magnify and color-code them! Better yet, the amount of radiation exposure is greatly reduced for added patient safety.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

If the thought of undergoing dental care makes you feel nervous, nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) can help create a much more calm and relaxing atmosphere. The gas is administered through a mask that fits over the nose, and the effects should begin after just a few minutes of breathing it in. This technique is a great choice for busy patients because recovery only takes a few minutes as well, and you should be able to return to your regular routine right away.